Legacy capture
Get the resources you need to strategically digitise your legacy data, keeping your long-term visions and goals in mind.
- Identify critical legacy data and informational gaps
- Digitise data
- Index content
- Build actions and bridges between silos

Paperless Information Capture
Create customised data entry systems to ensure effective data capture that gathers critical information while ensuring compliance and adoptions within your existing processes.
- Analyse long term objective
- Identify data requirements
- Study existing processes
- Create customised data entry forms

Physical Record Storage
Securely and cost effectively store away your physical records once your digitisation is complete.
- File physical records
- Store Offsite
- Insure and secure records

Physical Record Destruction
Once critical data has gone digital, we will securely destroy the physical documents you will not require.
- Physical Storage can be preset with record destruction dates
- Shredding style based on document sensitivity
- A log will be kept of records destroyed